Why I started Grow Trails

Why is it called Grow Trails and what is the goal of the entire project? Sure, it’s games and treasure hunts, but what topics do we cover and why? 

Our goal is to inspire to action

Each of us has just one life and the world is full of possibilities. Imagine you are already in your 80’s. What do you wish to have experienced by then? Maybe it’s to have a family, or to have travelled the world. Are you taking real steps towards these dreams?

If you keep postponing them for when you have more time or money, Grow Trails wants to offer you suggestions for how to start listening to what you really want to do, now. Whatever your situation, you can start taking steps towards a more fulfilling life. We want to encourage people to work on their dreams and lead an active, happy life.

Spread the good

Grow Trails supports moral values, cooperation and tolerance. When many people with good intentions decide to take action, we can do big things . Our project aims to inspire you to take initiative for a good cause and contribute to your local community. Be an example for how things can be done.
Become a good listener, respect others, connect with people around and know when to follow and when to lead. Together we have a huge potential to change the world for the better, everyone by their own little bit.

Keep learning and improving 

Be curious, open-minded, ready to try out something new and experiment. The world has so much to offer and there is no reason why we should ever stop exploring it.

Grow Trails is a community of learners. Have you seen how kids constantly try new hands-on activities, fail and try again? Be like them, even if it’s as small as tasting a new kind of exotic fruit, or trying out a card trick on your friend.

The games 

Have fun 🙂 Enjoy what you are doing 🙂 I myself love playing games of all sorts and from an educational perspective I know that people best remember experiences in which they were immersed and emotionally vested. 

Involve the brain and all the senses. It’s good if you read an inspiring blog post, but what counts is whether or not you eventually start practicing it. That is why Grow Trails aims to bring you inspiring topics via games. You can try out fun, hands-on activities in real time and in a safe game environment. Start playing.

play stone, colorful, smilies

Topics: from wellbeing to technology

Grow Trails’ games broadly revolve around the wellbeing and life in the digital world.

1) The individual comes first: How can I improve my own wellbeing, what is my mind set and attitudes towards learning and failures? Do I make active choices ? What matters to me most? The world nowadays evolves fast, how do I deal with it?

2) Another emphasis is on the interaction with others: Am I a good listener? How do I react to different opinions? Do I take initiative? How do I know whether I am right and when wrong and am I willing to change my opinion based on a new input? Do I speak up for fairness? What are the small ways in which I can improve the lives of others?

3) The third theme revolves around logic, math and technology: Technology will progressively play a bigger role in our lives. The moment you read news on your phone, use smart watch, connect to the internet banking or just check the weather forecast, you are interacting with complicated algorithms. It’s good to know at least basics of the jungle out there.

I am excited to share with you some snapshots of what I, as a mathematician, find fascinating. Popular math riddles and brainteasers, as well as more general thoughts on rationality. Why is basic logical thinking important, even if you don’t otherwise follow technological development? How does technology impact our wellbeing? 


When reaching out for answers, Grow Trails will always look into what the sciences can tell us about the topic. Psychology, neuroscience, math, computer science, education and related disciplines offer a lot intriguing knowledge. We aspire to present this knowledge in a fun, interactive and meaningful way.

Games that make us grow

Be it wellbeing, math puzzles or rational thinking, the Grow Trails project is about offering games and treasure hunts that are not only fun but also make us grow. Become a better person, learn new stuff, explore and experiment. And remember, it’s the curiosity and open mindset that counts! 🙂

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