
Each day is here and now and then forever gone. Let’s live and experience to the fullest what the world has to offer. Let’s play, experiment and expose ourselves to the new and the unknown, so that we can better grasp who we are, where we live and how we can change for the better.

We hope that this blog will serve as an inspiration towards a more mindful and active lifestyle to many of us!

Zo zákulisia projektu: môj rok 2022

Grow Trails projekt, návrat do Afriky, tanec. Po pandémii bol rok 2022 konečne obdobie, kedy sa veci začali hýbať. Viacero projektov skončilo a, naopak, veľa nových aktivít od mňa vyžadovalo…

Making a dance video

There will always be people who are better than you at the exact same thing as you are currently doing. But that shouldn’t stop you from continuing, if this is…

Five ways to wellbeing

Sitting that day in our psychology class, I remember being completely captivated and thinking to myself that THIS should be taught to everyone already at school. We were having a…